Emails, 800 #,Vaccines

I have a three-year-old grandson who I just love to death. It is great fun to spoil him during the short visits we have with his out-of-town parents. Watching him has taught me a few lessons about dealing with the IRS which I want to share with you: Emails The boy...


Long-time friends of my wife take great pleasure in telling me stories of how tough-minded she was as a teen-ager.  One story is told of my wife’s participation in a high school powder puff football game. Junior and senior girls were invited to play tackle football...

Fake IRS Agents

When my wife was in high school she played in a powder puff football game. This is where juniors and seniors play tackle football against each other, except the teams are comprised of girls instead of guys. It is real intense. Anyway, they decided to put my wife on...

Humble Heart

Humble heart So I’m on the ninth hole at the golf course. My golf partner is Jay, a college baseball player from LSU and a natural athlete.  I brag incessantly that I have hit eight consecutive fairways. He says nothing. I step up to the tee box and take a mighty...

Offers to Compromise Taxes

Offers to Compromise Taxes             Many of us can’t pay our taxes.  It’s not that we don’t want to, but the taxes can be several years old and the IRS has needlessly added huge penalties and interest.  What started out as a financial hardship has become an...

I am so depressed

I am so depressed. Last week I received a telephone call from an out-of-town business man. It seems he was the owner and operator of a successful business for many years. Unfortunately, the price of oil collapsed. His customers couldn’t pay him and he...

Innocent Spouse

I am fortunate to be married for 20 years to an extraordinarily beautiful woman, who had impaired judgment when she consented to my marriage proposal. All of her friends felt that way, as do most of mine. Unfortunately, she is also very smart, much more so than I. As...

Tax laws may help

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17 So I’m having breakfast with a Jesuit priest, who was also one of my teachers in high school. He asked me what I think of the new Pope – who is also a Jesuit...