Tips that will help you save on tax day

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson As I sit at my desk watching the stock market plummet, I can’t help but wonder what I can do to help. People are being hit hard by the...

Company jets not a political problem

I hate politics and politicians. Today our country faces an economic crises. The Demo crats object to raising the debt ceiling unless there is a tax increase on the wealthy — most prominently repealing the “tax loopholes” for corporate jets. The Republicans object to...

Mistakes Are Always Remembered

My office neighbor is a marriage counselor. I used to have lunch with him once a month just so I could hear all the interesting stories he told. One of my favorites – every good deed by a husband is remembered for 3 days, every bad deed is remembered forever. Today I...


One of the greatest frustrations I have in my law practice is the number of people who come to see me so late in their case. It seems that the gravity of their tax problems either does not register with them or is so frightening that they don’t want to face it. The...


Many tax lawyers believe that the IRS’s greatest weapon is the use of fear. After 35 years of tax practice, I am still astonished at some of the things IRS agents tell my clients before they retained a tax representative: So today we will address some of the common...